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Preschool Statement of Philosophy & Policy


Byron Elementary School Child Care is a self supporting program of the Byron Area Schools District.The Preschool Programs are partially funded through grants funded through the Michigan Department of Education.

Byron Elementary School Child Care is approved (licensed) by the Michigan Department of Health Services.  We meet or exceed all standards of quality established by Public Act 116 of 1973.



Byron Elementary School Child Care and Preschool is dedicated to providing affordable quality child care and preschool for our community.  Our program, curriculum, and environment are professionally designed to meet the needs of families.


  1. To create a secure, nurturing place for children
  2. To provide activities planned to enhance the physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth of each child
  3. To encourage children to develop independence, cooperation, creativity and self-esteem
  4. To work together with parents to provide support for the family.


Byron Elementary School Child Care does not discriminate in the enrollment policy on the basis of race, creed, sex, national origin, or handicap.  all children ages 3 years (and potty trained), or older in the Byron Area Schools District are eligible for the program.  Non -residents may enroll if space permits after residents have had an opportunity to register.

Pre-registration is necessary for all child care programs.  All registration forms, emergency cards etc. MUST BE COMPLETED PRIOR TO A CHILD'S ATTENDANCE. All accounts must be paid in full.  It is the parent's responsibility to inform the child care and school district to any changes to the information provided on the enrollment forms that may occur during the school year.  A non-refundable registration fee of $25.00 per family per school year must be paid prior to the child 's attendance.


Byron Elementary Preschool does not discriminate in the enrollment policy on the basis of race, creed, sex, national origin or handicap.  All children age 4 years (and potty trained), in the Byron Area Schools District are eligible for the program.  Non-residents may enroll if space permits after residents have had an opportunity to register.

Pre-registration is necessary for all programs.  All registration forms, emergency cards, etc. must be completed prior to a child's attendance.  All accounts must be paid in full.  (This includes Child Care fees.) It is the parents' responsibility to inform the teacher and the school district of any changes to the information provided on the enrollment forms that may occur during the school year.

A grant from the Michigan Department of Education provides funding for a limited number of children who meet state eligibility requirements to attend Preschool for free.  Children who do not qualify may enroll on a tuition basis.  All children enrolled are expected to participate for the entire school year.